Last month I had to make a Diaper-Cake for a friend, another one for a little boy. It became a hassle looking everywhere for baseball/NY Yankee's stuff; and to be honest, I got a bit aggravated! Little boy baby stuff is becoming scarce!!!
A few people saw it before I dropped it off, and I got a lady that asked me to make one for her... for a lil' girl, thankfully!!
I haven't made one for a lil' girl in quite a while, but I wasn't super-excited because they are SO time consuming and I really don't make a lot doing them.. unless I charge a fortune!
BUT, I agreed to make it for her. I had to take the lady I sit with to town today and since I have to get this new one done before this weekend I looked around to see what they had for a lil' girl while I was there.
I have to say that I am SO glad that I don't have a little one to buy for these days.. things are ridiculously expensive!
However, I did find a cute quilted looking blanket with a butterfly on it and some receiving blankets that matched perfectly!
Even though it has become a bit of a hassle preparing these Diaper-Cakes, I have to say that I am a tad-bit excited to see what this one is going to look like when it is complete!!
So.. I'll be working on this after work the next few days or on Thursday when I am off (had to switch days this week); and I will be sure to share it when it's done!!!
Hope you're as excited to see it finished as I am!